Online CPD: Choosing the right course
With a sudden shift from face-to-face to online and hybrid provision over the past 18 months, and a lack of support for teachers in many contexts, the availability of online teacher development courses has sky-rocketed. But with so many different courses on offer, how can teachers cut through the noise and know which courses are really beneficial to their professional development? We spoke to our Head of Education and Teacher Development, Silvana Richardson, to find out more.
Go beyond the basics
Firstly, Silvana stresses the importance of looking for a course that goes beyond simply raising awareness of issues in the classroom, by making sure it has a direct impact on your teaching practice. Always check that the course has a practical, implementation element with opportunities to apply what you have learnt to your own teaching practice, as well as personalised tutor and peer feedback to support you in applying the course input to your specific teaching context.
Consolidation and reinforcement are key for development in any area, and teaching is no different. Having the opportunity to learn one specific area deeply and to re-think some of your own habits and practices in the light of the best available evidence, sharing ideas, understanding how the tools and techniques can be applied to your classroom and feeling supported by your peers and expert tutors is a vital stage in the development process and should by no means be underestimated.

How can our courses help you?
All our evidence-informed short online courses have been designed to ensure that what you learn can be transferred to your practice, so that you can facilitate even better student learning. Each course explores an area of teaching in depth, encouraging you to think, adapt, apply and evaluate, in integral areas such as awareness raising, consolidation, reinforcement, implementation and feedback – ensuring you get the most out of your course.
Our courses are designed around you: your needs, your context and your schedule. Which is why we have combined highly interactive asynchronous activities with a live webinar session and continuous feedback from your tutor throughout the course. Meaning you get a personalised, valuable and supported experience that fits around you!
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